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Monday, May 2, 2011

Hi Honey......

This weekend was really great, first of all I made this card you see above just because I had a beehive die cut and some bees.  When I decided to add the flags, I needed a five letter word that went with such a theme: honey.  I colored the outline of the hive with a tan marker, then went over it with a colored pencil, and hey, it didn't turn out like I thought it would, but it's okay.  I think the rest of the card saves it.  Those flowers are from the $1 embellishments I got at Jo-Ann.  I also made Elijah a birthday card; our boy is becoming a man, the big 1-3!!  Thirteen years old... I can barely believe it.  He has blossomed into a very sweet young man, and I'm so proud of him.  Besides becoming a part of the Rays baseball team, he has also become a member of the Honor Society, smart as a whip that one. :)

Yesterday I babysat my niece Anabella for a bit while my mom and sister went on an errand.  She was a complete angel, and already I miss her so so much.  Here's a pic:

I stripped her of her clothes, she had on a long sleeved onsie, and it was HOT as hell in my parents apartment.  So, she had on nothin' but a diaper and a smile most of the day.  She developed a bit of a rash, and as the day got hotter, her rash got worse, so I hope it's gone away once she got back to that cool ocean breeze she has at home.  My little buggy is so happy and sweet, I couldn't be happier!  By the way, she is trying very hard to keep her head held up on her own and is getting squirmier by the day.  Ah, can't get enough of her.

Today we had a baby shower for one of our interns and her husband, and it went off quite well.  Those ladies are the sweetest ever, and I'm sad we'll be losing them soon.  This Friday we have a little party for Kate's going away... so it begins.  Back to work... yay, Summer's here! :) 

L.A.: don't get any ideas of a heat wave, now.

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