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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sigh of Relief!!

Well, folks, the baby shower was really nice, and I'm happy to say that everything went off without a hitch.  Mom and I arrived to my aunt's house around 10am and got going with decorating and setting up tables, frosting the cupcakes and getting all last minute details laid out.  Guests began arriving in clumps and we ate straight away: manicotti, it was great.  Once I sat down and ate, things just flowed from there.  My mom got the games going, and we were cracking up! After the games, I had my sister open her gifts; she got so many beautiful things.  Once the teenagers came and were hovering around the champagne punch, things were coming to a close.  We had 80 degree day, and when the sun started to set, and the day got cooler, we decided it was time to clean up.  My sister was so happy and appreciative with the whole thing, it was SO worth all the effort.  I would do it again, and will once she has baby #2.  Let's hope she waits awhile, though!!! 

The only thing left to do is wait for this baby to decide she's ready to come out; I've gotta start practicing looking at blood, since she wants me in the room.  EEEEK!  I'm more nervous than I'm letting on, and if it's as gnarly as they say, I'm in for it.  I think I'm as nervous as she is in all of this!!

This Valentine's Day I became a hairstylist!  I cut Sam's hair, and it looks pretty good, if I do say so myself.  It's kind of a new wave-ish 'do; it's kind of shaved on the sides and tall on top... can't describe, but it looks good!  I wish I could have Vanessa (old roomate, dope hairstylist) see what I did, so she can laugh! Whatever, I think I did good.  I would post a pic here, but I think he wouldn't like that. 

As for work, I'm getting real excited for a possible conference in Washington DC coming up in March.  I saw the proposed budget for it, and it looks like I'm included; we're looking at five days.  I have never been to DC, but it looks like fun.  Too bad it's not closer to NY, I'd make sure to get over there for a night or two to visit old friends and the city that I miss so much.  (L.A., you suck! Why can't you be more friendly, like NY?)  My phone keeps ringing, and I'm getting a little flustered, so I'll end this here.  I hope the rain won't really come until tonight when I'm warm in bed.  Do I smell a sick day coming soon????


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