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Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I made this card last night while watching all the desperate women on the Bachelor.  Wow... I mean, I understand being in a crazy place in life, but why broadcast it on telly for the world to witness?  Besides being terribly entertaining, it was also fun to see what good 'ol USA thinks a hunky catch of a man should be.  The guy is a robot, I mean he just came off as a bad actor who had nothing good to say.  Sure, he's hot, but hot fades eventually and all you're left with is a hick with a helicoptor.  Not having cable means sometimes watching whatever is on while I'm making cards, and more often than not I'm watching the Korean channel, which has some quality soap operas!  They deal with issues such as: daughters who won't marry, and even divorce!!  There's this one show I watch that's about a bunch of teenagers in some boarding school that cracks me up; they try to buy beer and the hijinx that ensue never disappoint!  I loves me some non-english drama.  The show that I'm waiting for patiently (sort of) is Boardwalk Empire.  This means I'm going to have to bite the bullet and get cable finally.  I won't get all those channels, but I will have to get Showtime, and maybe HBO for True Blood.  Having seen what a down to earth, nice, philanthropic man that Vampire Bill really is makes me want to watch him more.  And, Eric isn't bad to look at, either.  Other shows that I love are: Modern Family (that accented lady is barely tolerable), The Middle (the Mid-West IS hilarious!) and The Amazing Race.  Now THERE'S a show!  I love seeing the new couples, father and son teams that nearly wring each others necks while trying to do whatever silly task the producers set up each week; I feel that I'd do all that stuff for a million, so I can't wag my finger.  Oh, and I LOVE Wipeout.  It seems very half-witted to admit, but I do.  It's always fun to see people get pushed off a platform only to land head first onto a huge red bouncy ball... I tell you, the simple pleasures in life!  Also, that announcer guy, Henson is my FAVORITE.  He's hilarious! 

Well, now that I've described this spring's lineup, I guess I can sign off.  Spring is coming, and I feel that even though many think it's a time of change, new life, etc., I just think it's nice to have good weather back.  I do like spring rolls...

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