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Monday, March 28, 2011

Anabella Rose

The craziest part of the whole thing had to be the calmness the nurse and doctor had.  "Our" nurse (my sister's nurse) was named Theresa, and she was super efficient.  She came in with a very take charge attitude, and explained everything with detail, and made sure we knew what to expect.  She even sent me and my mom to bed to get a couple hours of sleep when she knew the Pitocin was doing it's thing.  We did that, and when we came back (sleeping in a chair sucks!) my sister had already gotten an epidural!  I was relieved as hell, my mom was disappointed.  I still can't understand that one, but I guess she thinks the pain is part of it.  My sister went through some pain, but not that pain of being dialated to 10!  Thank goodness.  :)

After many hours, Theresa showed me, my mom and Matt (Daddy Matty) how to help Anita breathe, push, hold her legs, etc.  We watched the monitor to see when she was having a contraction and coached her through it.  I saw Anabella's head and it was seconds later that my sister became a mom.  It was amazing... her little body (she was TINY) just appeared out of nowhere (seemed like it!) and she was quiet.  She was very very pale, and after the doctor cleaned out her mouth, she squeaked!  The whole room seemed to be filled with an electricity, and my mother and I cried.  When I realized that my sister was virtually alone (all of us rushed over to the baby) I raced back to be by her side.  I still feel protective of her... and tried to take her mind off of what was still happening to her.  She was visibly relieved, though, and I wasn't worried anymore.  Her tears of joy just put me over the moon; talk about natural high.  My niece is healthy, and after the first night of crying for hours, Daddy Matty went out and bought her her first binky; she's pretty much all about sucking now!  :)  She is sleeping next to her mom, and isn't really into her crib.  I, myself, sleep better knowing she's NOT in her crib, that she HAS her binky... two things I've always been so against.  I can't explain it, but I don't think I can bare knowing she's suffering in any way.  We sat and held her for a long time yesterday, and I am in LOVE.  I understand why mankind keeps doing this crazy thing, why women tear up their bodies and bear all the discomforts of carrying another person in their body.  It is a miracle, and to say that and really know it means a lot.  I'm so happy for her, and for her family... I have so much confidence in them as a unit, and can't wait to get to know Anabella Rose.

What a crazy experience!!!

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