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Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Since work has been kicking my backside, I haven't had ANY time or energy for scrapping or cards.  I have my niece Alyssa and nephew Tommy's birthday coming, too.  I will have to get my buns moving on that stuff tonight, hopefully.  I hope to find some stability here at work soon, as we keep losing staff.  It has been interesting, and I've learned a lot here, so I won't complain.  I hope to get a vacation in soon, also... it's been almost six months, so I'm due for one... I'm really thinking about flying somewhere that I don't have to worry about moving around too much, honestly, a week at a spa would be optimal.  I could use some solitary relaxation time... like, immediately.  I'd read read read, eat and decompress.  Then, back to the salt mine to get the old blood pressure back up to it's high status. 

One can dream... and this one dreams a TON.

Hopefully, I'll have some photos tomorrow of all the creativness from tonight... I haven't been sleeping very well lately, either, I feel like I only get two to three solid hours, so I must catch up on that.  In spite of that fact, I feel strangely good... like, my body doesn't NEED all the sleep I've been getting.  I'm such a baby, I'd get pissy if someone woke me up too early on a day off, and be rigid about going to bed at a certain time.  I'm thinking it's time to sort of get used to later hours, I mean, I may need them in coming days, who knows WHAT'll happen. :)  I can't be the person out n' about who is yawning at 9pm, I mean, that's just sad.  I have a good feeling about things in general lately, and if work lets up on me in coming days, I can maybe take some time for little old me to soak in that a bit.


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